Types of COVID-19 Tests Offered at Rios Pharmacy:
1. COVID-19 RT-PCR Nasal Swab
RT-PCR tests will be emailed directly to you on SAME DAY. Frequently used for traveling/airlines and surgeries. Please check with your end destination to determine which test they require.
2. COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Nasal Swab
Rapid antigen tests results are emailed within 30 minutes of testing.
Cost of COVID-19 Tests
1. COVID-19 RT-PCR ($175)
2. COVID-19 Rapid Antigen ($60)
Currently Rios Pharmacy does NOT accept insurance. However, you may attempt to submit the receipt to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
Instructions Upon Arrival for Appointment
1. We are now allowing patients to enter the pharmacy for testing.
2. Check in for your appointment at the front desk.
3. After completion of the test you may leave as the results will be emailed directly to you. Please check both inbox and spam inbox for results. Contact us if there are any issues with your results.
Appointment Schedules
RT-PCR Appointments Below
Rapid Antigen Appointments Below
It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.